
Tips for Saving Money on Your Company Mobile Phone Bills

Mobile Experts

October 29, 2024

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Tips for Saving Money on Your Company Mobile Phone Bills

There is no denying that company mobile phone bills can be astronomically expensive. For a company, these bills might be one of the most costly things in their entire budget!

However, by employing certain strategies, you can considerably lower your company’s mobile phone bills. You will be surprised to know there are several options available to help you slash down your organization’s mobile phone bills. Keep reading to learn about five useful tips you can follow to lower your company mobile phone bills.

Give your Employees a Case to Use with their Phone

Since the employees at your company do not own their organization-issued smartphones, they might not be as careful when handling the phones as they would be if they personally owned them. Hence, the chances of the employees damaging their phones are quite high. Companies incur quite an expense due to phone damages, which consume a major chunk of their budget.

Therefore, it would be wise to give your employees a case to use with their phones. In this manner, the chances of them damaging the device reduce considerably. As a result, you can save a lot of money!

Work with a Company that Offers Corporate Phone Repairs

You can save tremendously on mobile company bills by engaging the services of a company that provides corporate phone repairs. Not only can you get these repairs done at a very economical price (there are usually no ongoing costs as well!), but the devices are repaired swiftly as well (usually within hours!).

Furthermore, having your staff’s mobile phones fixed within a few hours of damage allows you to ensure no delays to productivity. 

Install a Phone Tracking Software, so Employees Don’t Lose their Phones

When employees lose their phones, buying them, new ones means large expenditures on your end. This takes quite a toll on your company’s mobile phone bills. To prevent this from happening, and since prevention is far better than cure, you can install a phone tracking software in employees’ handsets (TISPY is a great application you can use!). Such software can effectively track the whereabouts of a lost phone.

By leveraging this technology and recovering lost employee phones, companies do not need to worry about hefty mobile phone bills.

Research a Cheaper Corporate Phone Plan

There is no shortage of corporate phone plans in the market. However, depending on what they offer, these plans differ considerably when it comes to price. If you are a company looking to save more on your mobile phone bills, you might want to go for a cheaper option. Several providers offer cheap corporate phone plans for under 10 dollars every month. Such provides Optus, Dodo, and Coles, to name a few.

Furthermore, most of these providers offer unlimited text and talk in their corporate phone plans, which is ideal for employees. You can get at least 1 GB of data as well, which is more than adequate for moderate internet usage.

Protect the Phone and Keep it Longer

This is probably the easiest way to lower company phone bills. Urge your employees to hang on to their mobile phone for as long as they possibly can. If their old phones are capable of making calls perfectly and are functioning fine overall, they should continue using it and protecting it so that it does not suffer from damage anytime soon. In this manner, you do not have to buy them new handsets regularly, and you save more on your bills.


You should aim for your company phone bills to be as low as possible so that you can spend the budget on other important purposes. By following the aforementioned tips, you can ensure your mobile phone bills do not consume a large portion of your overall budget.


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